Sunday, April 4, 2010


We went to the EE clinic this last week and Kaylin explained that every time she eats Rice Krispies, she spits up. I had only heard this once and just a few days before her appt. She has been eating them on a fairly regular basis for months without a word. ARGH! I know it's difficult for her to relay what she's going through but it's so frustrating. The Dr. asked if she had problems when eating rice and she replied no. Two days later, Grandma gave her chocolate rice milk and she loved it. She hated the regular rice milk when we gave it to her when she removed all dairy and we never tried again. She was in pain that night worse than I'd seen her in months. It continued into the next day and she had no appetite at all for two days.


  1. Hi, I have a 3 yr old son with EE. I just wanted to say thanks for posting, it is helpful to read what other mothers are going through.

  2. I don't know what her particular allergens are, or even if you've pinpointed all of them yet. However, based upon my own experience, I'd check to see if there is still barley malt listed as an ingredient in it. We can't do Kellogg's Rice Krispies but we can do Koala Krisp (chocolate) and Erewhon gluten free rice cereals. I hope this helps.
